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Rick and I are happy to endorse Becca Williams for the Sparta Board of Education. Becca has been a valued member and employee of the Black Bear Fitness family since she joined us as a college student on May 27, 2002. Over the past 22 years, she has grown into an extraordinary personal trainer, bringing more than 20 years of experience, passion, and dedication to her work. We know Becca exceptionally well, and without hesitation, we can attest to the many qualities that make her an outstanding candidate.


Becca embodies trustworthiness, integrity, responsibility, and fairness in all she does. She is not only kind and empathetic, but also deeply committed to her community. Her school pride shines through, and she consistently demonstrates the courage to tackle difficult challenges head-on. To top it off, Becca’s incredible sense of humor makes her a joy to be around.


We’ve had the privilege of watching Becca and her husband, Lorenzo, raise two beautiful children, balancing family life with her professional and community commitments. We are proud to have Becca as part of the Black Bear team, but more importantly, we are proud to call her our friend. Becca Williams will bring the same dedication, fairness, and heart to the Sparta Board of Education that she has brought to everything in her life.
We strongly support her candidacy and encourage the community to do the same.
— Black Bear Fitness, Owners

This year, four extremely intelligent, educated and qualified candidates are running for the Board of Education under the “Stop Raising Taxes” slate. Collectively, they are well-experienced in finance, education, school security, social emotional learning and more. Our Board of Education would thrive under their leadership. 

The 2024 “Stop Raising Taxes” team also believes in full due diligence when it comes to service providers in our district and vows to find the right vendors at the right price. How much of your money could be saved if our Board of Education ensured that we are getting the best services for our children at the best cost?

I implore you to research the platform that 2024 “Stop Raising Taxes” slate has developed and vote for Martinez, “Ramos” Serafino, Williams and Hinkle. Let’s keep the momentum going and elect the 2024 “Stop Raising Taxes” team.

Read the full endorsement here

— Dana Gulino

This team brings knowledge and experience in the field of education. And personally knowing at least one of these candidates has me confident they will do the absolute best they can to ensure the success, safety and well being of OUR CHILDREN. They are the right people and it’s the right time. Let’s go! — Jennifer Gulino

I am pleased to express my support for The Stop Raising Taxes team for a position on the Board of Education. Their strong commitment to our community, coupled with their extensive education and experience, is truly commendable. Each member of the team recognizes the importance of prioritizing the success of our students and staff, and their dedication to education is evident in all their endeavors. This team is focused on the long-term implications of the decisions made at the board level. They aim to advocate for initiatives that will propel our district forward, collaborating with school leaders to revitalize the Sparta School District and help it flourish once again. Their respectful and passionate approach to listening to parents and students ensures that our perspectives will be valued in important discussions. Open communication and transparency are vital for an effective board, and Emily, Rebecca, Roque, and Michelle are devoted to maintaining these qualities within our community. We would benefit from representatives who genuinely appreciate our input and keep us informed and involved in the decision-making process. I truly believe that this team is well-suited to help guide our district toward a brighter future. Let us consider supporting them in this important role for our children, our schools, and our community. — Angie Hawthorne

I endorse this message. — Eddie Moore

I support the Stop Raising Taxes: Support Students and Staff slate because they are focused on getting the Sparta BOE to adhere to their actual responsibilities rather than wasting tax payer $ on personal political crusades. The SRT slate members are well educated, intelligent, ethical, and would bring a diverse knowledge base to our board. We need people that bring more than just "being parents" to the table. Let's restore our district. Voting 1,2,3, and 2 is the first step. — Heather Diane

I've done my research and am so excited to cast my vote for the Stop Raising Taxes BOE candidates! Having spoken with each of them directly, it's clear that they're taking on this tremendous responsibility for the benefit of our children and community. And as a team, they have the education, experience and dedication to keep our spending down without sacrificing the quality of Sparta's public education.

As we approach Election Day, I encourage every parent, teacher, and community member to do their own research. Our Board of Education plays a critical role in shaping the future of our schools, and we owe it to our children to elect people who will stand up for what’s right, not just what’s easy. I believe the Stop Raising Taxes candidates (Roque Martinez, Emily Serafino, Rebecca Williams, & Michelle Hinkle) are those people.

Read the full endorsement here

— Patty Rivas
Lindsey Paradiso
Stacey Heredia
Brian Burdzy
Joseph Wade
Jennifer VanKirk
Allon Morali
Elizabeth Sanchez
Vivian Perlmutter
Anne Sayre
Judy Caruso

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